Have a Heart for Mervin
This is his story, told in his words.

Hurt – It’s not really experiencing homelessness for me. It’s trying to prove a point that you can go anywhere and accomplish your dreams. You can face whatever, and experience it and see how you come out and what kind of person you are. Is homelessness a choice? Not particularly. But the world goes so fast, sometimes you can’t keep up. You can’t rush quality. You have to go at your own pace. God does not tell everyone the same thing. You have to listen to what He tells you and move at that pace. Otherwise, it gets sloppy. Not everyone moves at the same pace. Ultimately my past gives me hope to see something different. I was one of those kids that came from a castle. I was good. Sheltered. When I pushed forward, I wasn’t moving at my own pace. When I didn’t, things got messy at my foundation. I didn’t get much attention growing up and that me caused insecurities. My past stifled me in my thought process. When I got away from my past, I started to push forward like a train.

Help – That’s how I came to Serve City. A place where you can catch up and get back on your own pace. Get a job and they help you to find a better job that’s more suited to you in the long run. If you’re able to leave your anxiety behind. Serve City is a place for you to grow and do your thing. You can’t keep up and anxiety and stress come in when you try to people-please. So, I started doing yoga at Serve City, and I realized everyone needs their own community. A place to unload stress. I don’t like it when people are lonely. We were born to be social.

Hope – I want to go on the radio. I like to ask questions. My father wasn’t always there. I would ask other people questions. To see where they were coming from. I’ve been in Ohio for about a year. My first journey was doing this in Houston, Texas. I thought, If I could survive there, I can survive anywhere. I used my smile a lot. I want a quality environment. Quality people. Ohio is that. It’s not that bad. My next step is Savannah, Georgia. I plan to live and die there. I plan to be here 3-5 years.
Mervin says respect is what the world should be about.
Have a heart and respect for Mervin.
To give to our Love Your Neighbor campaign please click the logo to donate online. To mail donations please send to:
Serve City 622 East Ave Hamilton, Ohio 45011.
*All proceeds will go to benefits our residents.
To learn more about the steps of our Move Forward housing program click here.